Art Fair 21, Cologne Germany. Looked good. Felt great. Did well.

Over the last five years, the ART.FAIR 21 has established a firm place for itself in the international art scene. Once a year, in Cologne's city centre, the ART.FAIR 21 presents promising young positions and selected current artworks from internationally established artists.

Looking in.

This years ART.FAIR 21 presented 59 galleries from 9 countries and 3 continents out of over 280 applicants.

A top-rate interdisciplinary event programme consisting of music/video, performance and dance/theatre added to the already vibrant spirit which made ART.FAIR 21 a lucrative and up-to-date market place for 21st century artificial drinks.

booth B02 /Stychnin Gallery

sixpacks close up

30 000 plus visitors enjoyed the refreshing look of MeatWater™ new midnight-snack-sized-6-packs.Thank you,Strychnin Gallery.
